Freshman Orientation…Again.

college, university

On Day 36 I found myself with microphone in hand, aiming to “impart wisdom” on the next class of freshmen students at my alma mater (when did I get this old??).

The journey to this particular podium started a few weeks ago.  I received an invitation to speak at this year’s orientation and immediately felt elated, honored and nervous (think Lindsey Lohan’s first day in Mean Girls meets jumping on the bed).

First things first: I had to make the drive up. No trip to school is complete without at least a short drive through the hills of New Hampshire.  I reveled at the natural beauty.  I talked to myself for hours.  I belted out favorite high school/college classics (Go on leave me breathless…).  I had a goofy smile plastered on my face the entire time.

Driving onto campus, the significance of orientation sunk in.  These students were about to embark on the same journey I took some years ago.

Today I not only tried to inspire but also to motivate.  I spoke about post-college opportunities, the breadth of available experiences in and out of the classroom and the importance of following your own path and studying the things you find interesting.  Most importantly, I tried to assuage fears for the students of the class of 2016 during this exciting yet anxious time.

After I was done speaking, many hands went up in the air, each person with a different question.  I felt like the program was a success.

One young man asked how it felt to be “on the other side.”

Loaded question.

I thought:  proud of myself.  Grateful for the opportunity to pass my experiences on.  Jealous of the class of 2016 (maybe I can re-enroll??).  Pondering whether I could head to the frats afterwards (celebratory keystone?).  And wanting to give back even more.

The mix of emotions I felt was overwhelming.  Today I wasn’t on campus for a reunion, a class event or a big alumni weekend.  It was business as usual on Day 2 of freshman orientation.

Finding myself in the midst of the orientation schedule was a great honor and the opportunity to give back and help inspire a whole new class left me humbled, reminiscent and giddy.

Absolutely Awesome.

Nostalgia: The College Years

Day 11 of AWESOME (and 12 and 13) will be experienced from the mountains of New Hampshire, where I spent four great years.

This weekend marks my 5th year anniversary of my graduation from college.  As expected, I had doubts about the weekend; would it be fun? weird? awkward?  Would I remember everyone’s name?

Thus far it has been amazing.  Driving onto campus I immediately remembered my first trip up when I was a mere prospie (prospective student) and fell in love immediately upon stepping out of the car.  I remembered our favorite places to eat in town, the endless days of laying out in the center of campus, the times spent working hard yet playing harder, the laughter, the dorm life and the sense of freedom we felt.

My friends and I immediately went through old rituals, visited favorite campus spots, ate our favorite food, purchased college gear (I NEED that new college logo workout shirt!!) and spent more hours in a fraternity basement than needed…

Most symbolically, we moved into an on-campus college dorm.  This marks the beginning of the first of three days that we get to relive the experience of student-life.  Today was about coming “home” again and experiencing something that is so natural and familiar and yet so suddenly foreign at the same time.

Thank you to my school for understanding that hosting such incredible weekends binds us to this place we call “home” and reminds us why our experience was and will continue to be AWESOME.